For the Tri-State Area commercial painting jobs that exceed your expectations, there’s only one clear choice – TerraSmith Contracting. As an established B2B provider of painting services, we’ve assisted countless businesses in the area, including warehouses, standalone retail shops, attorney offices, schools, auto repair garages, and many more.

Commercial spaces can often be in high traffic and suffer more wear and tear than residential buildings. We have a wide range of quality paints, materials, and techniques at our disposal to add to the longevity of your painting job. TerraSmith Contracting, we believe that every Tri-State business is different and requires a unique approach to their painting needs. When we visit your location, we’ll complete a walkthrough to identify problem areas and discuss what would work best for your situation. Whether it’s restaurant walls in a high-humidity kitchen or a medical building where sanitation is paramount, we’ll find your perfect painting solution. TerraSmith Contract is established and a favorite among Los Angeles businesses.